Inquiry Based Essay


Animal experimentation has become a widespread and controversial issue across the world. However, companies still use animal experimentation and testing for products such as cleaning supplies and cosmetics, or medical discoveries such as pharmaceutical companies providing accurate dosage of pills to avoid patients being addicted to the drugs. The public and government officials are pushing to further limit or stop companies from experimenting animals by providing alternatives to animal experimentation to replace the animals harmed or to prevent further harm to untouched animals. These animals should not be punished by being harmed for human benefits. In return, the government has funded research programs to find alternatives to animal experimentation. The more alternatives that are discovered, the more scientists can adopt those alternatives and can spread it throughout the world. These alternatives can help animals be freed from being caged against their will.

Researchers have come up with ways to mimic the human organs using realistic models such as, “organ-on-chips.” This can replace using animals greatly since animals are used by pharmaceutical companies to test out new drugs by making the animals have the disease or symptom that the drugs are made to relieve, then the animal consumes the drug to observe the effects. For example, the article states, “a Lung-on-a-chip, for instance, might consist of a layer of cells exposed to blood like medium on one side and air on the other, hooked up to a machine that stretches and compresses the tissue to mimic air” (Reardon 1). This further shows how these organ-on-chips can be manipulated to any organ and used by researchers or scientists to establish new pharmaceutical drugs. These chips also demonstrate how it is more effective than using animals since it is closer to the human body due to the use of human cells in the device. Also, the device is effective due to the mimicked breathing patterns of humans that it produces. The article also states, “the chips could also help companies to pinpoint the dose of a drug that is both effective and safe” (Reardon 2). This quote shows how using animals can be completely avoided by pharmaceutical companies. Testing the dosage of a drug with the organ-on-chip will help drugs establish faster since the potential pharmaceutical dug would be determined whether it is safe or not faster than waiting for the animals’ responses then follow with clinical trials of that drug.

The development of the “mini-brain” contributes to pushing away from animal experimentation since it provides another platform for alternatives to using animals. the mini brain is a device that mimics the brains neurological functions by using “induced Pluripotent stem cells” (AxoSim Licenses Revolutionary Mini-Brain Technology from Johns Hopkins University Enabling the Use of Human Data to Speed New Drug Research 1). With this technology, researchers can observe for any neurological defects or toxins instead of using animals to observe. For example, if researchers wanted to observe the brain, animals do not need to be attached to machines, electrocuted, or be harmed in any other way. Researchers can use the mini brains to observe and analyze the brain and manipulate it any way they wish and not one animal will be harmed during the process. The article states, “90% of drugs that looked promising In animal models fail once they are tested on humans” (AxoSim Licenses Revolutionary Mini-Brain Technology from Johns Hopkins University Enabling the Use of Human Data to Speed New Drug Research 1). This further demonstrates that there is no need to use animals for research since using mini brains would be more reliable than using animals’ brains. The mini brains would mimic human brains more since the way animals are neurologically developed may be slightly less different than humans. Therefore, results would be more accurate. In addition, the article also states, “the average cost and time to develop a new drug to an estimated $2.6 billion and more than 10 years” (AxoSim Licenses Revolutionary Mini-Brain Technology from Johns Hopkins University Enabling the Use of Human Data to Speed New Drug Research 1). This demonstrates that not only are mini brains more accurate than animals, using animals is more costly than using mini brains. Using mini brains would benefit the researchers and the animals in terms of finance and the animals’ wellbeing, so why not use mini brains if the technology is better, reliable, and affordable?

Researchers have worked on developing new ways in terms of biomedical research to provide other scientists with alternatives to perform experiments and observations without the use of animals. The “human induced pluripotent stem cells” (Herrmann 6) came about which has been developed from actual humans. These cells have been developed into models replicating the cells of an actual healthy human, or if a researcher needs subjects who have a disease, the cells can be grown with that disease within the cells to replicate the subject. The article states, “These models can be cultured in 3D to improve the level of physiological complexity” (Herrmann 6). This demonstrates that these models are not just subjected to a healthy human, these models can be manipulated to replicate any human in a certain state of well-being which opens doors to many opportunities for researchers to broaden their chance of discoveries. For example, with these models, scientists can study and understand disease more than what is known and provide more information about it. Eczema can be a disease that can be studied since it is a reaction to the skin and can only be controlled. Scientist can observe what treatments can be made for eczema or what worsens eczema. Using these stem cells can further prevent animals from being mis treated and manipulated to have diseases that they never had in the first place. It is most likely that biomedical research can be revolutionized and improved by these stem cells by providing a consistent platform of experimentation. In addition to diseases, cancer research may e revolutionized using stem cells. According to the article it states, “models can be seeded with non-cancerous, differentiated human cells… different “organs” can be connected” (Herrmann 4). If these stem cells were to be made cancerous and attached with a cancerous organ, researchers have a higher chance of being close to finding a better treatment or cure to cancer. His would help millions of lives from being lost and prevent families from grief.

Animals from labs have been seen with damaged skin or fur due to companies testing chemicals from cosmetics on these poor animals. However, thankfully as a result, the “EpiDerm, a three-dimensional multilayered skin culture” (Van Eijl 1) has been established which is an alternative platform to test these cosmetics out on skin without using animals. This is an amazing discovery since so many animals would be seen with burned skin, rashes, or with patchy skin that would never return to normal. This model is very efficient since it is a new and harmless way of making sure products do not damage or cause irritation to human skin which benefits the producer since this avoids any lawsuits if their cosmetics causes an outbreak of negative impacts to customers. As a result, “animal testing of cosmetic ingredients has been discontinued” (Van Eijl 1) which can influence other companies who are using animal testing an shut down their cosmetics as well. The producer would receive less backlash from people who are against animals being used to test cosmetics and can increase their customers afterwards due to not harming animals. Animals would have more hope of a healthy free life if the decline of animal use for cosmetics declines. According to the article it states, “alternative methods should bring together several important aspects including advantages in accuracy, sensitivity, cost, etc.” (Luo 1). This further proves that using alternatives should be implemented more due to their significant benefits to researchers and society in general.

An expert from Germany who oversees the discoveries of alternatives to animal testing was interviewed by a science-based newscast called “tomorrow today” about the evolution of alternatives that are being developed and alternatives found. The interviewee states, “That’s reducement, replacement and refinement. So, we have tissues, we have simple systems, and we have 3-D-systems, like printers. We can print an organ by using a kind of 3-D-printer to rebuild a system instead of just putting everything together” (Schönfelder). These three basic alternatives are very popular since it was one of the first alternatives that were established in order to protect animals. The world has come so far with alternatives, like making organs that represent real organs that can be used for many functions. This revolutionized the way scientists test their experiments since there are so many options of experimentation with the several organs that can be replicated. He also states, “70% of animal testing can be replaced” (Schönfelder). This is mind-blowing due to the significantly high percentage of animals that can be freed from harmful conditions in labs. This means more than half can live a normal life and be prevented from being sent to labs to be mistreated. If in 2015 it as 70% replacement, in today’s society, it may be more due to the increase of activists over the years and publication of the brutality to animals from companies or research labs.

Animals have been used severely in the past to test chemicals such as “pesticides, fungicides, paints, and food additives” (Testing 1). However, the Environmental Protection Agency, has been developing new alternatives in order to further limit or stop animal testing. With companies in demand to ensure the safety of their product, they revert to using animals to test their products. However, stem cells would be a better way to test them since its closer to humans and lest costly. The article states, “human stem cells into bone-like tissue to test industrial and environmental chemicals that might interfere with fetal growth” (testing 1). This quote shows the scientists use of alternatives to prevent mutations within children and up to how far the alternatives will be up to. Scientists though of alternatives to test products to not only ensure adults’ safety, but also the safety of children before they are born. The use of stem cells progressing is significant since other experiments are now being made with stem cells and discoveries are being made. Stem cells have been evolutionary.

There is a fatal disease that some people have called “acute liver failure” in which researchers were working on to find a treatment for. In contrary, these researchers grew their own liver using animals. The article states, “researchers in Hyderabad claim to have developed a promising technology for creating in the lab implantable bioengineered humanized livers for the management of acute liver failure” (‘Lab-grown liver’ raises hopes for acute liver failure patients). This is an amazing discovery since people with the fatal condition must wait to have a liver transplant and there aren’t enough livers to immediately give these patients and as a result, this leads to death. However, these artificial livers have saved several lives. Although this discovery involved animals being harmed, alternatives have been used ever since to make new discoveries. For example, scientists’ “organ-on chips” have applied liver to the organ-on-chip in replace of animals.

animal experimentation remains a controversial topic till this day. However, its upon this generation to continue progressing on banning animal experimentation permanently. This generation and the ones forward must keep on discovering new alternatives until there is no reason to have animals for experimentation purposes. The fight to end animal experimentation has not stop and will most likely not stop until all the gaps that animals once filled for experiments that benefited humans whether it was to cure diseases, test out chemical products or cosmetics. The alternatives vary from the making of “mini brains”, “organ on chips”, or the “EpiDerm”. All these alternatives benefit humans by providing a better base to figure out cures or treatments to diseases, and the dangers of chemical products or cosmetics. Animals should be seen as people also and should be avoided being used. This is important because as the alternatives to animal experimentation keep evolving, this society will be very close to being animal experimentation free which will end the controversy and animal cruelty.

Works Cited

“AxoSim Licenses Revolutionary Mini-Brain Technology from Johns Hopkins University Enabling the Use of Human Data to Speed New Drug Research.” Veterinary Research Week, 10 June 2019, p. 20. Gale Academic Onefile, Accessed 24 Oct. 2019.

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Luo, Fei-Ya, et al. “The Current Status of Alternative Methods for Cosmetics Safety Assessment in China.” ALTEX: Alternatives to Animal Experimentation, vol. 36, no. 1, 2019, p. 136+. Gale Academic Onefile, Accessed 24 Oct. 2019.

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